OktoberFAST: Enjoy a Beer & Brat for just $5! - K1 Speed | K1 Speed

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OktoberFAST: Enjoy a Beer & Brat for just $5!

oktoberfast with german font and blue and white pattern

OktoberFAST is going down at K1 Speed this October! Though we won’t have a Polka band flown in from Germany, our food & beverage special will be tons cheaper than your local Oktoberfest prices.

The OktoberFAST Deal

From October 16th to the 31st at participating K1 Speed locations, you can enjoy a Johnsonville bratwurst AND a domestic beer for just $5*. Shoot, that’s cheaper than a pretzel at most Oktoberfest festivals. Sehr gut indeed!

picture of beer and brat for oktoberfast special

Fully-Loaded Johnsonville Brats, Ice-Cold American Beer

We cook our Johnsonville Brats to perfection before generously topping it with red onion, spicy giardiniera, pickle, ketchup, and mustard (or nothing at all – just let us know!). You’ll then wash it down with a refreshing Bud Light or Michelob Ultra, or other domestic beer available at your local K1 Speed. Wunderbar!

Get Your Laps in BEFORE Celebrating!

people in go karts go wheel to wheel on the track

Of course, be sure to get some racing in before taking advantage of OktoberFAST. Once you have a beer, you won’t be able to go back out on the track!

So go like schnell to your participating K1 Speed location and enjoy our limited-time OktoberFAST special today! Danke!

Check Your Local K1 Speed

*Subject to availability. No substitutions. Chips not included. Cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion. Beer for guests 21 years of age or older. Offer expires 10/31/19


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