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We’re A Sponsor Of The Grand Prix Of Long Beach!

IRVINE, CA. (Jan. 25, 2017)The Grand Prix Association of Long Beach announced a multi-year agreement with K1 Speed to join the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach as Official Go-Kart Track Operator. K1 Speed, with 35 kart racing locations across the U.S. and Mexico, will continue to run the popular Go-Kart Challenge track for Grand Prix fans atop the Long Beach Arena parking garage, as well as receive signage around the world-famous, 1.97-mile track.


“The Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach is the premier street race in America. It’s only fitting that K1 Speed, the premier karting company is now an official sponsor. We’re looking forward to offering the same great experience to race fans year after year,” said Susan Danglard, co-owner and Marketing Director of K1 Speed.


“We have had a long relationship with K1 Speed as operators of our go-kart track and we are delighted to now welcome them into our family of sponsors,” said Jim Michaelian, president and CEO of the Grand Prix Association of Long Beach.


Featuring a wide variety of on and off-track activities for the entire family, the Grand Prix will be headlined by the second round of the 2017 Verizon IndyCar Series, as well as the BUBBA burger Sports Car Grand Prix, featuring the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship and its all-new prototype cars. In addition, the weekend will include the Motegi Racing Super Drift Challenge under the lights on Friday and Saturday nights; SPEED Energy Stadium Super Trucks, and the powerful sports cars of the Pirelli World Challenge.




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