Track Operator Job Hollywood - K1 Speed - Apply Today! | K1 Speed

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Track Operator – Hollywood, FL

Track Operator
Posted 3 years ago

As the nation’s indoor electric karting leader and innovator for over the past decade, K1 Speed does not compromise on the quality and value of the product we offer. Through our industrial go-karts and excellent staff, our passion is to show the world how fun karting can actually be. As a Track Operator, you will exude all the qualities that K1 embraces: positivity, cheerfulness, and exceptional customer service. Is this you?

Ride Operator Duties and Responsibilities

  • Provide excellent customer service to all K1 Speed visitors
  • Run races precisely, on time and safely
  • Maintain track cleanliness at all times
  • lifting required
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Enthusiastically brief guests on safety rules before entering the track
  • Assist guests with needed safety equipment
  • Control races in a safe manner to maximize the FUN for guests
  • Efficiently load, unload, and charge karts

Job Requirements

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Provide proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States
  • Must have reliable transportation
  • Weekends are a must!
  • Entry Level
  • Earn tips/commission!
  • Must be able to read, write and speak English
  • Must be able to communicate effectively in front of large groups
  • Must be able to adhere to all company policies and procedures
  • Must be willing and able to drive the karts daily
  • Must be able to remain calm under stressful situations and effectively respond to safety concerns.



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