Endless Racing | K1 Speed

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Endless Racing

Endless racing



Adults racers only, limited availability. Includes license. First come, first served. Races are 10 laps. Does not count for K1RS points. Races cannot be added to account. Good on day of event only. No refunds within 24 hours of event.

One Night Only: Unlimited Racing!


Summer is coming! To celebrate the season’s arrival, we’re hosting a VERY special event at K1 Speed locations across the United States for ONE NIGHT ONLY.


On Friday, June 21 from 8pm until closing, racers 4’10” or taller* can enjoy UNLIMITED RACING and an annual license for only $50! To ensure we get through as much racing as possible, we’ll be running the evening slightly different than our usual Arrive & Drive format.


The Endless Racing Format:


  • First off, the event will be operated in a “carnival-style” format. Once you’re done registering with the cashier, all you have to do is get in line for a race. When you’ve finished your race, simply head to the back of the line to go again. It’s just like waiting for a ride at an amusement park!


  • Races will be limited to 10 laps.


  • No K1RS points will be given for these races, but there will be live timing. This is a perfect opportunity to get some quality seat time in with your friends and family.


Limited Spots Available – Tickets Available ONLY Online


We have never offered unlimited racing before in the company’s history, so we’re expecting a huge demand for this unique evening. To ensure everyone is able to go out on track often, tickets will be limited per location and only sold ONLINE.


Select your location above and buy your ticket NOW before they sell out. We’ll see you at the track for this very special one-night-only engagement!


Height Requirements

Minimum height requirement for endless racing is 58″ (4’10” or 147.3 cm).

 *Meeting the height requirement is not a guarantee you’ll be able to race our karts. Drivers will be measured at the location and must be able to safely operate all elements of the kart. Final approval will be at management’s discretion.

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