Race for Position at K1 Speed During Grid Night

Everybody loves the excitement of our traditional Arrive & Drive racing, where you race for the fastest lap time against friends, families, colleagues, and complete strangers. However, we also know that many of our racers wish to race not just for best lap time, but for track position, where the first racer to finish wins the race. We also know that all of you can’t make it to Adult Challenge GP , Teen Challenge GP, or Junior Challenge GP – or don’t have the money for its 2-race format.
Well, racers’ wishes are granted: here’s Grid Night at K1 Speed!
What is Grid Night at K1 Speed?
Grid Night places an importance on racecraft rather than outright speed. You may be able to put together a hot lap, but are you consistent enough to pull away from your competition? Can you handle the pressure of somebody racing right behind you, lap after lap? Can you study your opponent for their slow spots and set up an overtaking move without bumping? This is what Grid Night’s going to expose from our racers.
The Grid Night Format
12-Lap Race for Position
When your session begins, we’ll roll everyone out to the starting grid of the race track.
Then, it’s time to RACE. When the green flag drops, you’re going to want to pass anyone that’s front of you. If you are the racer in front, you’re going to want to keep everyone behind you. The entire race for position will be 12 laps, so passing will be very important right from the start.
What is the Price to Race During Grid Night?
The cost for Grid Night will be exactly the same as our regular Arrive & Drive races. If you have races in your account, you can certainly use those towards your Grid Night races.
So When is Grid Night at my Local K1 Speed?
The next Grid Night is on Monday, February 10th, 2025.
Grid Night takes place from 5pm to close.
Racing Tips to Get the Most from Grid Night
- During the race, remember you’re going for position – not lap times. If need be, take a racing line that’s more defensive than fast and make sure you keep that racer behind you.
- If you can’t get around a driver because they keep protecting the inside line, try to find a way around the outside. Or dummy a move on the outside and see if they move to block. If they move, then take the inside line from them while they’re protecting the outside.
- If you’ve got two turns that switch from left/right or right/left then get on the outside of your opponent for the first turn, so that you’re lined up perfectly in the inside for the second turn and make that pass.
- Can’t find a way around a driver? Don’t get frustrated and start bumping them, or even worse, dive-bomb into a gap that’s rapidly closing. That’s sloppy and lacks skill. Play the smart game instead and make them nervous. Fill their peripheral vision by moving to the left and right behind them. This kind of pressure can force a mistake and allow an opportunity for you to pass cleanly.
Want More Races for Position?
If you come out for Grid Night and are hungry for more races of its kind, then start racing in our Challenge GP race series for junior, teens, and adults.
These championship races are held once a month and gives you more qualifying laps and more race laps for position. Points are tallied up as the season progresses, and our top three winners receive some great prizes! Plus, it’s a great chance for you to meet other dedicated and passionate K1 Speed racers – like yourself!
For more information, click one of the buttons below!
Will YOU Win the Race?
So who’s excited for some Grid Night racing? Are you going to race wheel-to-wheel against your friends and see who can finish first? Let us know in the comments section below!
Zahdul Amin
I am going 2 DOMINATE!!
Jessie Sito
So it’s like the GP/Junior GP format except within one session! Sounds like FUN!!!
Greg Bergman
Like it used to be 15 years ago!
Jarid Shumway
Does anyone know if there are any age requirements? Thanks
Staff Writer
Jarid, there’s no age requirement, but there is a height requirement of 4’10” for this kind of racing. Otherwise, our traditional Arrive & Drive races for fast lap can accommodate racers as small as 4′. Thanks for your interest!
Fast steve
Are we allowed gopros for grid night?
Staff Writer
Unfortunately not, Steve. Our GoPro policy applies to all public racing.
Steven johnsin
Well this sucks k1speed I was hoping to be at grid night but it starts at 5 why so Dang early people do have to work us now…
Staff Writer
Steven, while it starts at 5pm it goes until we close at 10pm. So stop in anytime between those hours to get your Grid Night fix! We’ll keep the track warm.
M.R marwan
Bonjour k1 speed san Francisco, mon fils va y participer le 19 août, il participera aussi à la junior league san Francisco le 6 août.
Il est connu pour sa vitesse en ayant fait de bons chronos en janvier dernier.
Nous venons de France ?? spécialement pour ces événements.
Good bye.
Brian Calvery
Are teenagers allowed after 9pm on a Friday night if they are with there parents?
Staff Writer
Hello Brian, yes they are. We just stop our Junior kart races at 8pm is all. Hope this clears up any confusion!
Ricardo Crossley
when will the next one be ? i just got into karting in san diego and want to get to as many events as I can.
Staff Writer
Hey Ricardo! We’re happy to hear you’ve got into karting!
Grid Night typically occurs quarterly, however this may change in 2022, so we don’t have a definite date as of now. In the meantime, we encourage you to get into one of our racing leagues (Junior League, Teen Cup, Challenge GP – depending on whatever one is appropriate) and participate in our Arrive & Drive races to get in that valuable seat time.
We’ve got plenty in store in 2022 for you – so definitely keep an eye on our emails and our website!
Timothy k duste
im looking forward to taking part in, K1 speed race for position grid night, my older brother and i raced,enduro karts in the early 80s,sounds
Staff Writer
That’s awesome to hear of your karting history, Timothy! We look forward to seeing you at the track for our next Grid Night!
What time do I have to come in order to secure a reservation?
Staff Writer
Hello Maximize! Grid Night is Arrive & Drive racing, which means this is first come, first served starting at 5pm. See you soon!
hi i’m very very interested in getting into karting and i was wondering if there were any other memberships that allow you to race more oftenly.
Staff Writer
Hi, Luiz! At K1 Speed, you can race as often as you want! Our Arrive & Drive racing is offered seven days a week, and we offer our monthly leagues where you race for position. Hope we see you more often at the track!
so we went to last one in las vegas & it didn’t even happen. so disappointed.
Staff Writer
Hello, NA! K1 Speed Las Vegas WILL be hosting it next Monday, the 20th! So hope you’ll stop by again!
What is Grid Night? Is it only for Adult ages 18 years old and above? Or Teenagers can participate as long as they meet the adult height requirement?
Staff Writer
Hello, James! As long as you can race in any of our karts, you can participate in Grid Night. Hope we’ll see you for the next event!
will it be a rolling start or whoever the staff favors to be put first
Staff Writer
Hello, “na”! It will be a standing grid start. Drivers are placed randomly on the grid. See you there!